Is the One-Day Garage Floor Legit?
In today’s age of lifestyle hacks and DIY tips, many homeowners have noticed the rise of “One-Day Garage" or "1 Day Floors." Many contractors only use epoxy resin for their garage floors, or a mixed resin system. But it’s completely possible to install your entire garage floor with polyaspartic resin! With polyaspartic resin floors, you can achieve that “One-Day Garage.” But is it worth it? Read this article to find out why or why not you might want to install a fully polyaspartic floor!
What is Polyaspartic Resin?
Polyaspartic resin is a chemical compound used as a coating for concrete flooring. It provides an incredibly strong, durable, and quick-drying finish with impressive chemical properties. It can do most of what epoxy resin can: the same styles, comparable strength, gloss finish, etc. Homeowners are steadily trusting polyaspartic resin for their garages more and more.
Concrete floor garages can benefit from polyaspartic resin floors. Polyaspartic coating can transform a drab and dull garage floor into a beautiful, durable, and easy-to-maintain surface. Whatever styles epoxy can do, polyaspartic can, too. Metallic, glitter, solid color, flake and more!
A garage floor with polyaspartic installed on it won’t just be installed faster, it’ll give you all the necessary protection, too. But like anything else, there are some things to keep in mind before making your decision.
Polyaspartic Resin vs. Epoxy Resin Floors
Compared to epoxy resin floors, polyaspartic has a faster installation and curing time, making it far more convenient for homeowners. Epoxy resin floors usually require multiple coats and can take days to cure, while polyaspartic only needs one or two coats and quick-dries in just a few hours. By using polyaspartic as both the base coat and top coat, installers can create a strong, quick result.
Some contractors may even apply both epoxy and polyaspartic coats, so that you get the best of both worlds! For your garage, polyaspartic will probably handle any test you throw at it. But if you can spare the extra installation time, why not invest in your floor’s future?
Polyaspartic Resin Floors for Your Garage
To achieve a faster-drying garage floor, the resin itself has to dry and cure quicker. Polyaspartic is an excellent choice, as it can be used as both the base coat and top coat. This can provide a strong, quick result, but polyaspartic may cost more than traditional epoxy. To keep the price down, installers may apply a thinner base-coat layer. This could affect the floor's durability in the long-term.
But what about the “One Day Garage?” It seems too good to be true, and it just might be. It depends on what you’re looking for out of your garage floors! A resin that requires more time to cure and dry, like traditional epoxy resins, will often cure deeper into the concrete foundation. This means your floors are often stronger, longer lasting and more resistant to what life will throw at them.
Whether you're renovating your garage or searching for concrete flooring ideas for your home or business, consider polyaspartic resin floors as a reliable option. With the right garage floor coating and best concrete sealer, you can protect and enhance the appearance and durability of your polyaspartic resin floors, ensuring that they last for years to come.
Polyaspartic is a wonderful flooring solution, with many great qualities. What do you think? Do you want the convenience of the one-day garage floor, or the guaranteed, tried and tested protection of a mixed/purely epoxy resin flooring system? Let us know which solution you’d pick!