Luis - Top Coat Epoxy
Luis has taken the Orlando/ Kissimmee area by storm in just 2 years. He is constantly booked and one of his specialties is his beautiful and mesmerizing metallic finishes. We chatted about what his journey in the epoxy industry has looked like since first playing around with it in 2019, not imagining it would soon become his full-blown business.
1. When did you get started in the epoxy industry?
I started playing around with the epoxy countertops in 2019, but I’ve had my company since March 2020. A few years back, I wanted to get my epoxy floors done but I couldn’t find anyone, so I just did it myself after seeing some Youtube videos. One thing lead to another and then I ended up going to the XPS training class in Pompano.
2. Did you have any major roadblocks when growing, and if so, what did you do to overcome them?
I got really confident after taking the training. I didn’t really worry too much about it. I had enough faith in the systems and in myself that I bought the machines and materials without really knowing what it was going to look like. My sales rep was helpful too so there was no gap for the unknown. Just went for it.
3. Do you have any tips for those starting out in the industry?
Well, for starters... it’s hard. It's not always the easiest environment to work in. The hours can be annoying too so you have to keep that in mind. But if you love doing it then it’ll make it simpler. Make sure you don’t cut corners so that everything comes out the way it’s supposed to.
4. What was a pivotal moment in your career if any?
When we got a couple of big contracts. The first one was really big, maybe too big for us to do, but I did everything in my power to do the floor correctly because I knew my name was on the job. I was representing my company and I couldn't mess it up. That was a big learning curve! It turned out great but we had to be extremely careful. But even with the small jobs, I treat them as though they are huge contracts. We’ve had a couple of big jobs that kinda intimidated me, but at the same time, the best way to learn is by doing. All those experiences upgraded me and my business to be better.
5.) What is your favorite type of floor to install, and why?
I like the metallics. It’s our specialty, it’s really fun and not too stressful. It's more of an art, which I enjoy. It also gives the customer the “Wow!” factor. The other systems are more simple. Just seeing the customer's reaction to a great metallic floor makes it so worth it, they're in awe. And I love that.